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Synaptic Pruning

Dendrites go to the axon.

The axon goes down to the axon terminal.

Myelin sheaths, white matter, full of fat

they speed neurons up;

reaction quicker

and signals faster

The axon terminal


neurotransmitters that

shoot across the synaptic gap

and starts the process

over again, one neuron down.

But as we grow

from tots to children,

those neurons without

white matter

Wither. Die.

Fall away. Unused.

But it serves to reason that

if you don’t need it then

throw it away.

Throw out the chaff.

Keep the wheat

Keep the myelin

Keep the brain fast

Keep yourself fast

Unused, skills, neural pathways

and especially language,

the adage is the same all:

Use it or lose it.

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