A Human Infinity
I want to explain something, so we can know each other better
Sets. Collections of numerical elements bound by a unifying rule, a connection inherent.
A mathematical mind box you can open and close, fill with numbers or fill with nothing, You can Break them up into smaller sets and put them back together, making all different kinds.
One kind of set in particular is our focus,
The subset
A subset is a building-block of the parent set, said to be proper when It contains only elements from it’s parent.
It’s breaking your box into two or more, subdividing so the sections contain some but not all.
An Infinite set is a set that contains a Proper subset that is as large as the original set.
A set is a series of numbers that can be described with a unifying rule.
Infinity is a concept that contains itself. different types of Infinity exist.
different but the same , when defined by cardinality.
Cardinality, The sum of the elements within the set, each individual point given substance, given a counting value.
Indefinable quantities of definable elements, that is what it means. An amount that you can not describe, it can be between 0 and 1, an infinite set of decimals. or between one and the largest number possible, counted 1,2,3,4,5, and so on and so forth, counted one after another but never ending.
Because when you reach the end, Just add one, and another one, Just add another decimal place, keep counting and your Infinity will grow.
Infinity is a concept that can describe itself
A mind is a concept that can describe itself
A mind can describe Infinity, Infinity can describe the human mind.
This Infinity
It can be between you and me
It can be what i think about kisses
it can be the steps that you take along life’s path
It can be the different smiles you may see across the world
It can be the time that it takes for my mind to break it’s seamless typhoons that contain everything, something, nothing, half and half, but always you you you.
You all. The infinite possibility of you humans and they humans, she humans, he humans, me humans, we humans, all humans. The Human set of infinite possibility, defining itself, defining every set and subset of this universe we humans all share
Take for example, The ways I can arrange 26 letters to form an english summary of the infinite explanations I could think up of who what when where why We humans go about our day
Infinity is a concept that contains itself, with counting being it’s motive force.
you can keep counting, and counting. one hundred, one million, one billion, one trillion, one trillion billion millions, one googolplex to the googol power enough Zero’s to outnumber the atoms of our universe
Chemicals slosh, Biology squishes along with eating, drinking, breathing, fucking, shitting and dying, all of us in a finite and bounded existence if we could not think of Infinity. The unbounded heart, the unbounded mind, the indefinite, non finite, indescribable realm of what you can think, what you can do, the people you may discover.
these numbers have value have worth are manipulatable, stretchable moldable kissable things that will never run out if we just keep counting. if we just keep thinking, looking, talking living at each other the infinity of possibility we all are will be for ever there.
You live in an infinity, your own subset with as many possibilities as the parent set, Your mind defining itself to define the universe, our universe we share, created with the cardinality of 7 billion give or take a few hundred million, of course, we are only counting those alive and earthbound enough to share today. But never the less; the infinite set of We Humans contains the universe we experience, thus the universe each of us experiences is nested within.
You all live in a universe of your own, your own proper subset of our whole, so think of infinity, think of it all, Us all. Every second is forever if you let it be so! Share your seconds, your lives, talk and write, create and share, build the universe our children will live in!
Understand, Please;
That you are an Infinity. Share it, Please. I just want to know, to know your universe and know the wonder of your world, Because you are an Infinity. A concept that can describe itself, Possibility unbounded.
A human infinity.