The New Dichotomy
Wake up every morning, (Days go by, and that’s not new) Tell yourself you’ll be okay, Do what you have to do. Wait to realize, once again...
Rain melting into the concrete Pooling at the cracks, the broken parts. Rain, seep into my skin Pooling at my heart, my lungs, my bones,...
The Gilded Clock
The clock ticked consistently, loudly, and ominously as the president of the Corporate Alliance of Banking looked down at Tony from his...
I will always...
I will always… Check the shower before turning it on Eat at Taco Bell Slow down when I see a cop Wear a belt with pants that have loops...
Live Lit: That Time I Tried To Read A Personal Essay Out Loud in Front of Other People
As a white, middle-class female, my only oppressors are the patriarchy and the sun. Thanks to my parents, though, I didn’t fully realize...
Two Sonnets for Michael Brown
I. My Facebook Feed the Day before Thanksgiving: an Erasure It’s the best profession in the world, a weapon for justice. A system cannot...
0.001 of a Second or When I Almost (Accidentally) Shot Myself in the Head (An Excerpt)
I remember when the Glock 19’s trigger spring dunked the nine millimeter bullet’s primer into its blackpowder charge. A sharp metal clank...
slow float like driftwood from a dead sea— salt-worn sun-bleached and riptide tumble-dried— wash in as if pushed by a moon-pulled wave...
Kind-of A Cinderella Story
I’m from California, and before you ask, let me confirm. My life is exactly like a movie. Every Hollywood Cliche applies. Family...
Black-Eyed Susan
Poor Susan Always coverin’ her bruisin’. To protect that mean old rat of a man And also her pride, no one would understand. She could...