0.001 of a Second or When I Almost (Accidentally) Shot Myself in the Head (An Excerpt)
I remember when the Glock 19’s trigger spring dunked the nine millimeter bullet’s primer into its blackpowder charge. A sharp metal clank...
slow float like driftwood from a dead sea— salt-worn sun-bleached and riptide tumble-dried— wash in as if pushed by a moon-pulled wave...
Kind-of A Cinderella Story
I’m from California, and before you ask, let me confirm. My life is exactly like a movie. Every Hollywood Cliche applies. Family...
Black-Eyed Susan
Poor Susan Always coverin’ her bruisin’. To protect that mean old rat of a man And also her pride, no one would understand. She could...
what words are made of
I’m standing on the edge of something. Something deep and velvety, a soft darkness that envelopes. Summons. I don’t know whether to float...
you don’t see a dirty floor, you don’t see a cluttered dash, you don’t see stain-filled upholstery, you don’t see crumbs, you don’t see...
The Best Person in Somewhereville
In Beckett’s eyes, Olivia is perfect. Okay, maybe perfect is too strong of a word. No human being is without flaws. She is no exception...
Fry Day
Reginald looked a lot like one would expect. He was distinguished, tall, thin, and had a Wondrous Moustache. His hair was white and he...
Porch Lights
Some balmy night when all is still (except, perhaps, the soft and cadenced crickets on the lawns) you’ll see them dotting darkened...
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Following the US Presidential Election- An American Student Perspective I grasp for the words of expression. My admiration extends to...