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Dear Cornell College: Free Speech on Campus (A Note on Sincerity in Explanation)

Dear Cornell College,

I don't feel marginalized.

I am marginalized.

That's sociology 101.

The language that has been used by Administrators at Cornell College has lacked sincerity.

The term "free speech" has been used continuously in the rhetoric of campus administrators, from the Vice Presidents and Professors on campus to the President of the College Jonathan Brand.

What hurts most for students of color on campus, and what is most insulting to Cornellians, is the lack of sincerity, from what is supposed to be a true and realistic evaluation of events.


In the United States of America, free speech is guaranteed to all individuals with few restrictions placed on engaging in that fundamental right. This is a guarantee for the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.


In the United States of America, the federal government and state governments are not permitted to limit speech because it may produce discomfort for individuals. This government restriction IS NOT APPLICABLE TO PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS. If a private entity wants to prohibit individuals from participating, they can (Dale v. Boy Scouts of America). That means that the government (federal or state) CANNOT prohibit one from:

1. Burning a cross in a black man's yard (R. A. V. vs. St. Paul),

2. Burning a United States flag (Texas v. Johnson),

3. Marching with Nazi materials in a community filled with Holocaust survivors (National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie) calling for the general (but not specific) eradication of certain racial groups (Brandenburg v. Ohio).

There is one very important consideration that must be addressed.

CORNELL IS A PRIVATE INSTITUTION. Therefore, students are not subject to the same freedom in engaging in negative disgusting language that is permissible in the open forum regulated by the state government. THE ENVIRONMENT CREATED AT CORNELL COLLEGE is REMOVED from the ability to engage BLINDLY and IGNORANTLY in language that is NOT CONDUCIVE TO THE ACADEMIC COMMUNITY WE CONSIGN OURSELVES TO.

Cornell College Administration continues to use the language that is reserved for government regulated speech in regard to what is happening on campus. Like so many other private schools, Cornell College has the ability to prevent hatred from happening on campus. And yet, Administration remains insincere in regard to the concerns from students of color on campus.

I was up until 3 AM consoling Cornellians of color who were being terrorized on campus by other hateful students being protected by Administration running around in the night.

I found out that at Cornell College students apart of the Cornell College: BACO (Black Awareness Cultural Organization) are being HARASSED in the safe space OF A BACO MEETING created by students of color by students who seek to do nothing but use that same Administration protection to further prod and harass students of color from marginalized communities.

It's unfortunate that minority students don't have a resource on campus they can turn to besides current and alumni students.

It's unfortunate that the Cornell College Office of Intercultural Life has remained silent again and again on campus.

It's unfortunate that the Cornell College Office of Intercultural Life has not offered itself to minority students in the face of adversity from the Cornell Community.

It's unfortunate that minority students have to turn to each other to remain stable when we are subject to xenophobia.

And yet I am so thankful for the strength of Cornellians of Color.

Don't ever let my intentions be confused, however. Whatever I say about Cornell College or the Cornell College Office of Intercultural Life or any aspect of the college I say out of love. I have given myself my health my time and energy to the betterment of this institution, and I will remain faithful to Alma Mater always.

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