Your life is lightning in a bottle
When purple seeps onto your skin
You may lick yourself there where it abides in mockery and godly impatience
Rainbow is its taste
To your fingerpicks it is sandpaper
Growing ever rougher as you touch it
A strange sound is emitted from it like mermaid songs, days of old, whispering wind
Reaching deaf ears and transforming
Into a noise not quite heard, perceived in the slightest form of the nymphs
The sight of it changes every time you steal a glance
Now it shimmers, now it sparkles, now it hides in dull hues
It gives off a scent that attracts the fae
They flitter-flutter about your face
Only giving you a confused look as they turn to find something sweet off in the distance
He appears
The green elf of love, your guide through lands unknown
Your hand he grabs to pull you towards tornadoes and lands devoid of life
Here you find one plant
It spouts off fragments
Conversations that time forgot
“…I am the laughter without language…”
“…la vie bohème…”
Battle cries rise around you as you start to spin faster and faster into the darkness
Everything fades to white
In your study surrounded by fanciful books is where you find yourself this time
Something is wrong
No bird ballad here, no cricket chirp, no hummingbird heartbeat
Begin to see your fate
Begin to see the world
Begin to see surroundings
Begin to see that everything is not what you decide it should be but what it is by its own nature
Soon you will see all that was and understand what will be
When the dead tree flowers it is time