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The Cabbage Mutt

One tender age not many years ago

in tendless garden by the soil damned

the cabbage mutt took root and learned to grow.

I cupped the seeds and side by side did sow

the sire and dam by supple, tender hand

one tender age not many years ago.

And wherefore ever, we may never know,

but then is past, and tendless in that land

the cabbage mutt took root and learned to grow.

It needed water, none could I bestow,

but blood I had, I fed the thirsty sand

one tender age not many years ago.

No walls were near, the winds would wail and blow;

I gave a corpse as refuge, refuse, and

the cabbage mutt took root and learned to grow.

Beware the seeds, the sire and dam below;

forget you not how tendless, void command

one tender age not many years ago

the cabbage mutt took root and learned to grow.

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