Wait for the winter, look up at the sky
Your memory makes present what passed
It may have been years, but night doesn’t change
And summers, like sadness, don’t last
When I am gone, remember the way
The winter glows velvet at night
The light is more lovely for darkness
And darkness more lovely for light
Let the night hold what you cannot bear
Heavy black branches splinter the air
The crystalline drops of entropy rising
The snow a mirage, but you know that it’s there
Look for me deep in the dark rose sky
The grey clouds stained with the light
The night is more lovely for daytime
And daytime more lovely for night
Tread slowly, breathe deeply, serenity find you
As in cold, as in night, it may
Be sure for a moment, serenity keep you
Night yields to naught, and naught yields to day
When you’re without me, as someday you’ll be
Remember the winter, don’t cry
For I am more lovely for you, my dear
And you are more lovely for I