I live for the energy emitted by a symphony of sighs and a creaky front door. The shadows can hold me tight so long as your belt buckle...

moonlight filters down kissing my skin back awake washing you from me
River Bend
Poodle clouds curve around the hot sky surprising the eye with its wavering. Frogs leap below the low spruces, in cool, squishy mud....
The Boat
the Boat sits in the harbor and waits to swim for it hates to wait and yearns to join its friends and waits to swim and cross the oceans...
Wait for the winter, look up at the sky Your memory makes present what passed It may have been years, but night doesn’t change And...
Walking the streets at night is like breathing We like to stand on green pastures; ashes to ashes, dust to dust Like betrayed statues we...
Gra/ey Area
I am in a state of perplexity, stuck between whether you raped me or I raped myself. Diluting all sense of rationality, a gray area...
Music box toiled and free Twinkling stars pull their dim crescendo like a blanket spread over a waiting hug Wait for me Pondering is the...
Orange. Red. Brown. Dead. The papery skins on which we tread Are as cold and as dry as the air Through which they float and fly. Beware...
I hope my words can Do all the things I never Could. Faraway meadows hold Whatever secrets I can’t seem to Find when I open my eyes; They...